Yá—©á—°IEAug 31, 20201 min readHabits and Mindset - Milly & YamieGETGUDMILLHOUSE Getting Started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8soIc3VSM8&feature=youtu.be Notes: https://gumroad.com/getgudmillhouse...
Yá—©á—°IEAug 31, 20201 min readPerspective - Spacedad & PetraSPACEDAD Storyboard/Perspective Practice the rules of perspective: 1-point, 2-point, 3-point (optional: 5-point) Practice from scenes in...
Yá—©á—°IEAug 31, 20201 min readHead Drawing - SpacedadThis is a continuous series: Head/Figure Drawing 1) Keep practicing your Loomis heads, but use them as a foundation for building skulls!...
Yá—©á—°IEAug 30, 20201 min readPrimitive Painting Class 1-3- James Main Classes: Painting a cube from start to finish - https://youtu.be/FItKNwdQGgI Paintings a Sphere from start to finish -...
Yá—©á—°IEAug 30, 20206 min readFreelance Commission Advice - CostaAudio Recording Notes 1. Commission prices - They are vastly undervalued. You gotta charge more. Stop undercutting. Treat your time like...
Yá—©á—°IEAug 30, 20201 min readStoryboarding II - SpacedadW1 Homework: 1) Practice from scenes in films (animation or live action) and try to figure out where the perspective grid is. (1-3 pages)...
Yá—©á—°IEAug 30, 20202 min readAnimation - Spacedad- spacedad Day 1 Day 2 Open Source Animation Programs (if you have nothing else to animate with) -Blender (has a 2d animation template)...
Yá—©á—°IEAug 30, 20202 min readStoryboarding - Spacedad- Spacedad Three things to pay attention to when doing the homework: -Use ground/skyplanes to indicate the angle of the camera/area...
Yá—©á—°IEAug 30, 20201 min readLasso and Color - janOh-janOh Homework: Fill out these 4 heads every evening (when you find the time) and note down how long it took you to fill the shape with...